Mr. Smooth, who is he? Somebody who seems to go very slow, but in such a smooth manner that he actually goes very fast. A cocktail that is easy to make and just as easy to drink. Below how you make it. Enjoy it!
The Ingredients
6 cl. S72 Gin
3 cl. Noilly Prat
2 cl. Clear Violet Syrup
The Garnish
Violet flower
How to make it
1. Add all ingredients in a mix glass with lots of ice.
2. Stir until it cools sufficiently.
3. Pour the mix into a coupe glass with a sieve (so that there is no ice in the coupe glass).
4. Finish with a violet flower.
Shop the Gin
€ 52
A new bottle with a renewed taste.
This new Number 1 bottle is filled with the renewed S72 Gin 'the Legend'. The base of violet, of course, remained the same. We now use water from another region and grain instead of potato alcohol. We also removed the Chinese tea from the recipe. This gives the S72 Gin 'the Legend' a more refined taste.